Welcome to the Kitchen

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Welcome to the kitchen

Before we get started, I think we should outline the basic principles upon which I have founded this blog. Being on the same page from the outset is always a good thing:

1) Food also should be eaten for flavor, not simply because it is there and you are hungry. (SHOCK!)

2) Man cannot live off salt and starch alone (and if you are, for the love of God, keep reading. Help me help you.)

3) Green does not automatically equal extraterrestrial. Veggies are your friend.

4) Sugars also come in natural (read: not Hostess) forms that contain vitamins. Though the letter "v" seems pointy and knife-shaped to the more paranoid of you out there, I promise that words that start with it will not kill you from the inside out.

4) We're in college and relatively poor. Thus, don't expect filet mignon recipes.

5) You've spent far too much time existing outside the kitchen, so might not know the little things that most recipe books will assume is common knowledge.

6) You'll have access to basic kitchen tools. This includes an oven. I will not be teaching you how to cook in a microwave, because they are EVIL, and you need to learn patience, anyway.

I'm not trying to make you a master chef, because that's something that simply cannot be done without direct training. That, and I highly doubt the lot of you give a damn about presentation at this point. (All things with time. Deep breaths, Wren.)

With those points in mind, welcome! Browse wherever. Love the sidebar; it will teach you how to impress women.

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